Our first activity of the day was pottery painting. They each enjoyed picking out which piece they would paint! Each piece completely reflected their personalities when all was said and done. And Adiah had so much fun!!
Adiah getting started
ALL of my kids painting away...
Ridge chose a spider man piece...
Natalie had a flashback to the 80's and did a splatter paint heart...
Cutie pie Rhett
He chose a motorcycle and did a smashing job don't you think?
Adiah and Mommy...
Adiah picked a princess castle(of course!) and did a wonderful job, too!
Emily did a sun that she wants to hang up outside on the patio by the pool...
When we were done and waiting for our pottery to dry we decided to go get a picnic lunch and find a park to eat and play at. Right about the time we arrived Brian called from Rwanda so I missed getting pictures of our picnic but here are some of our fun time playing...
We did some sliding...
Some hanging out and face making....Some posing on the slide while the wind was blowing...
Some looking at spiders...
Some dare-devil climbing...
Some quality sibling time-ing...
And some swangin'...
It was a great time! Its been a long time since we've all been at a park together like that. Just wish our daddy was there! Adiah loved that activity as well!
Next we headed off to the mall and (the brave mommy that I am) decided to do some ice-skating! I know you're all shaking your head at me. But listen...you do what you gotta do, mkay? So after the 900 minutes it took us to get everyone skated up we headed off to the ice. Rhett and Adiah have obviously never ice skated before. Adiah loves to watch it and has asked quite a bit if she could go. But Rhett....not so much. He was walking around really well on the skates but once we hit the ice he was over it! We tried for awhile but eventually took turns hanging out with him on the outside. Adiah did very well for it being her first time. She actually kept her balance most of the time and didn't want to leave when it was over! I wondering if I should enroll her in lessons? The older kids had a great time too and helped me out quite a bit with the littles! A memory we'll never forget! I wasn't able to take any pictures while we were skating because my hands were full but I took one after the fact. Look at Adiah's face!!
After ice skating we headed down the hall to Build-A-Bear! The little kids have never been and its been years since the older kids have been. Emily and Natalie didn't want to build a bear so they helped me with everyone else. Except for the loud "stuffing" machine Adiah loved every part of this! She loved picking out a Hello Kitty and her ballerina outfit. We all kissed the little hearts and put lots of love inside of her kitty! Ridge and Rhett even enjoyed doing this little activity!!Here she is humoring me with one more "cheese" for the camera
Rhett stuffing his puppy
They gave Adiah a little golf club thing to push down the stuffing pedal because she was so nervous of the loud noise.
Mr. Cool Dude, Ridge getting his camo bear stuffed.
At this point we were all about wiped out but we needed to eat dinner so we headed over to PF Changs and enjoyed a yummy meal to end the day! I could barely keep them awake on the way home and we all slept really well last night! I think we all enjoyed Adiah's Gotcha Day/spring break celebration! But most importantly...we're all so glad Adiah is in our lives!
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