Okay, have I ever mentioned how stinkin' funny my Natalie is? For an 8 year old she has a very quick wit. Brian says she reminds him of me. I might see that a little. For a funny Natalie story go to
this post and go to the bottom. Anyway, I wanted to jot down a quick Natalie story so I won't forget it and you all can see what I get to live with. On Monday I was going over Nat's math homework with her. There was a picture of some money. She was to write the dollar amount that is was and also write it out in words. The money totaled $3.75. She wrote "three dollars and sevendy five cents". I said "Natalie. what's wrong with the word seventy?" She looked and said "OH! Right! But see, I live in Texas and down here we say SEVEN-DY!" Mind you she said it with the strongest Texas drawl she could muster up!! We both laughed and she corrected her word. Silly girl!!

While we're on the topic of Natalie I just wanted to mention her last gymnastics meet. It was a couple of weeks ago and it was her best meet yet! She came home with all blue ribbons (which means she made a 9.0 or higher) and scored the highest overall score on her team! We are so proud of how far she has come in one year! Actually all of the girls on her team had a very good meet. Of course, Brian had to actually total it up on the sheet and put a blue box around it so you all could see it! During her last event, which was her floor routine, she twisted her ankle but kept going and finished. Brian said "Just like Mary Lou Retton! She hurts herself yet finishes strong!!!" She's fine by the way. No lasting injuries!
She has spunk and personality! That summer I stayed with them, she definatly kept me laughing ALL the time! All 3 of them did actually. You have some great kids!
Can you see me rolling my eyes?! I love that kid! She is so funny! How is she that quick?! What a hoot. Love you.
That is adorable! Kids keep it real for us don't they? My 5 year old was behind me the other day while I was verbally correcting my 11 year old. When I was done, he pops off, "Preach on sistah! Sorry Mom, got caught up in the moment."
Natalie sounds like a keeper! :o) Such a cutie. Happy Birthday to you too!!! How cool that we share the same birthday! Happy celebrating today!
I hear that today is your birthday...hope it was a good one. I know that you got exactly what you asked for!
Thank you for your prayers~
Go Natalie! How awesome! That is such a cute texan story. That could probably make it into the Readers Digest.
Such a cute little girl! I can't help but wonder if our #3 kiddo will be a girl. Sure hope so! How fun are they! Hope yall are well.
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