Okay I'm in massive post mode today. So I wanted to do a little post about Natalie (aka. Natie Bug, Bug, Bugster, Purple Pickle Eater, Nat) Natalie is my middle child and she is definitely the drama queen of the group. A good Drama Queen!! She turned 8 in April and is really beginning to come into her own. She is my passionate child. Not afraid to hold back and say what she is feeling to those of us close to her. In public she is a little more reserved but still very outgoing. She is in gymnastics right now and about to get a little more serious with it. She is truly one of the funniest people I know. She can make us all belly laugh on a regular basis. She has this (for lack of a better term) evil laugh that can make you come undone!!! Wouldn't do it any justice to try and explain it here on the blog but trust me! She is a lover! She loves hugs and snuggles and loves to give them as well. She is a true friend and always tries to get others to do the right thing. She has a smile that will melt your heart. She is a great big sister to Ridgedon and I know she will be to Adiah as well. She loves to do things her big sister is doing. You'll often catch her saying and doing things just like Emily. Emily may not like that too much but it says alot about their bond with each other. Natie Bug, I love you very much! You make me smile every day! I love Jesus in you!
P.S. One of our favorite Natalie stories is about a Christmas present she got when she was 2 1/2 yrs old. She got a Baby Shu Shu and loved it. She wouldn't put it down for days. When we were finally going home after Christmas was over we were loading a trailor with all of our stuff. Natalie pitched her Baby Shu Shu into the back of the trailer with a disgusted look on her face. My brother in law, Matt, said "Natalie, we don't throw our babies into the back of the trailer." Natalie responded with "That baby has been crying in my face all day!".....Alright, then.
Amy-I'm so glad you are in the "blogging" mood. I have read the 3 new blogs and have enjoyed them all. The picture of you and Brian is great!! It's one for the picture frame. So glad the 2 of you had a great time and it looks so beautiful.
I am so excited about joining Natalie, Emily and Ridgedon in Orlando. They will have to show their Aunt Rhonda around as I have never been. Sure hope they can keep up with me!! I'm gonna ride all the rides, eat all the junk food I can and laugh till my old belly hurts!!! Love you
I love that girl. She is such a funny, sweet, funny girl. You forgot her most important nickname, Natly. I love her passion for things that matter to her. I don't think there are enough passionate people who are passionate about the right things. And I'm so excited for her gymnastics stuff. Love it!
Go Nat! I loved watching you at gymnastics. You have such talent. It was like watching Aunt Sara at gymnastics all over again. You are also a very pretty girl. Thanks to all three of you for being such good and helpful kids while Mom and Dad were in Canada.
Mommy Holly
What a DOLL!!! Oh my word. Aaron and I couldn't believe how big she's gotten! She's so grown up looking! And yes, I bet she will be a GREAT big sister! Anyway, can't wait to see yall again!
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