Na. Its not that bad. I shouldn't have said
Aaahhh. I didn't mean it. Tonight I am babysitting my sister's
keeeeuuuds(I completely know that I just spelled kids like
keeeeuuuds but I have an explanation. My friend, Tonya from Maine
(hey Tonya)was emailing with me last night and she said that they say sister like "
sista" in Maine. I thought that sounded cool. I said here in Texas we say it "
seeeusta". And ever since then I've been trying to say everything with a strong Texas accent. Thus the
keeeuuuds. But I digress) while she and Matt are at a meeting. Its such a beautiful day here that I decided with that many chill-
uns' in the house that they needed to just be out side. There were 7 of them!! So here is some of our evening in pictures....
Adiah and Hannah immediately race down to the little garage to see who can get to the barbie car first. Hannah won.
Adiah didn't like it.

Hannah out for a little jog. Doesn't it look like she is going for a long run?
Adiah seriously hates it when Hannah plays with anything that she has first. So here she is making a break for it with her butterfly umbrella and
elmo book.

Hording her stash....
Natalie took a little spill while roller blading.
Examining her wounds.

I really just wanted to post this picture because LOOK IT( I don't really talk like that. My kids rub off on me). Look at Hannah. Doesn't it look like her foot is a duck-foot and its coming out of her knee? Weird. Weird. Weird.

Another weird picture. Well not weird but odd. Here is Gracie, our neighbor. Look at the floating flip flop. Odd.

Sweet Emily trying to skate away from the madness...
Ok, here is
Hollyn. She so
desperately wants to roller blade but God bless her, she doesn't know how. Here she is being sad near the
tree. "Oh tree. Why is life so cruel? "

"TREE!! Help me!! I'm rolling..."

"I give up. I'll just crawl around. Maybe no one will notice?"

Natalie and Gracie to the rescue.
Hollyn skates!!!

Mr. Cool dude, Ridge, playing a little B-ball.

Here is Hannah preparing to slide down
ADIAH'S slide. Isn't she cute!

Sliding down
ADIAH'S slide...
Adiah sneaks in while Hannah isn't looking and lays on the slide.
Adiah slides down the slide but WAIT!! What is Hannah doing? MOM!!!

And here is where Noah sat the entire evening. Making
Wii people on the
Wii. Is that correct? Am I saying that right?
Wii people? Or is it

The girls took this picture yesterday. What is it you ask? That would be a coyote foot print on the side of my house. I'm not scared. Maybe he just comes over to slide down Adiah's slide while we're sleeping. Because heaven knows Adiah would have none of that!
Well apparently Hollyn gained confidence because she's asking for rollerblades for her birthday...oh....and a bat!
Were you hyped up on caffine when you wrote this? You crack me up! I love all the captions too, so funny!
Seven kids? Wowzers!
LOL those pictures and comments made me laugh! Looks like fun!
Have a great day sista!
Girl, I think all the paper chasing has made you a little loopy! Love this fun post! Looks like all the kids had a great time together! Oh and that paw print...yikes!!!
Oh my goodness, I just spent a LONG TIME getting caught up on your blog!! I was way behind and I loved all of your posts. :) They made me laugh and smile for sure.
So, in a nutshell...Happy gotcha day, congrats on a big compliment from mr. bus driver, and please know that we are in prayer for your new little one---that God will bring EXACTLY who he has planned for you in His perfect timing. :)
Oh, and thanks for the Pioneer Woman reference too. My sister is a huge fan, and I have yet to explore her blog, so maybe I'll do that!
Thanks for this post. I feel like I miss so much of Hollyn, Noah and Hannah's lives, so I enjoy any glimpse I get. It is so great to know that their basic personalities don't change all that much. Still trying to figure a time I can make it up there for a visit. Hopefully, I'll get to see you and yours while we're there!
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