I've been so terribly nostalgic the past few days thinking back to a year ago. I remember on this particular day still feeling worlds away from Adiah. We were just getting to know some of our travel group and we were trying to deal with jet lag before our "Big Day". What fun memories!! This post was taken from our travel blog.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Day One
Wow! Its been alot of fun so far! We've met some really nice people from our travel group! The day started early with a buffet breakfast in the hotel. We then loaded a bus and went to Tian'anmen Square and Forbidden City. Unfortunately they were electing officials or something like that today so we could go into Tian'anmen square. But we got some pictures from across the street. Then we went to Forbidden City which was really neat. After that we went to some local people's house and had lunch in their kitchen!! Talk about strange! Don't worry...they knew we were coming! There was so much food this lady had prepared! I guess she thinks us Americans eat alot or something! Anyway, its just amazing to see how other cultures live. In America, we wouldn't consider what they had was alot. Actually, we would probably think they were poor. But she said they were middle class. I couldn't eat much there but I tried because I didn't want to be rude. We were then toted around for the Hutong tour on rickshaws. Not sure if that is how you spell it. Pretty neat! A rickshaw is like a carriage. Except it is pulled by a guy on a bicycle. A couple of near collisions! One funny (not really) thing was when my ball cap caught Brian's glasses and flung them off of his body! We turned around yelling "STOP!" to our driver who doesn't speak English but he totally got it! All the rickshaws behind us were swerving to miss his glasses and one came to a stop about 1/2 inch from crushing them. That would have been fabulous..."Adiah, nice to meet you. I can't see you but I can hear you." Anyway, we're back at the hotel for only 30 minutes. We have a traditional Chinese dinner we are going to and then back here to crash. Another full day is planned for us!Emily, Natalie, and Ridge- It was so good to see you on the computer this morning! I love you so much! Just 2 more days until we have Adiah!! I miss you!
We got to go to a Chinese kindergarten today. The kids loved seeing their pictures after I took them.
I cannot believe it has been a year!!! I followed your journey there and back and STILL follow!! Where does the time go? I hope that you will recap your trip with us all so that we can remember with you!
Love, Naomi
Wow, a whole year already! What wonderful memories you have to reflect upon and what a wonderful blessing you brought home from that amazing trip!
I can't believe it's been a year already....well, I sorta can just because we've been home a year. But really it seems like just yesterday I was reading this post and looking at these pictures!
Congratulation on your 1st Gotcha anniversary! Celebrate!!
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