I know you think I'm talking about my Christmas shopping. No such luck. I am NOT finished with that. But I did finish my very first half marathon today! Today Sara, Matt, and I all ran in the Dallas White Rock Half Marathon!! The day started early for us at 5:50 am but Brian and I stayed at a hotel last night so we had a nice order of banana pancakes and turkey bacon sent to the room to help us be happy about being up that early. We met up with Sara and Matt at their hotel and off we went. That race is huge, I tell ya. Huge! It was televised and a little birdie told me that we were on the TV! I always knew I'd get my 2 seconds of fame!! We all did very well! Especially Sara and Matt as they were running with yucky injuries! Around mile 12 my thighs decided that they might be done running so I had to stop and stretch quite a bit. But overall, I was very pleased with my time and hope to improve as I continue training. I would like to try and run a full marathon but we'll see. At this moment, my toe nails all feel like they are about to fall off and I'm completely drained. But I'm happy because I trained for a few months for this and actually stuck to it! Here are some pictures of our morning. If any decent running pictures turn out I may post them. I'd also like to give a shout out to Brian who went with us this morning for support! I know he was bored waiting on all of us but just knowing he was there encouraged me so much! I'd also like to thank (is this the Academy Awards?) Dr. Philip who covered for Brian so he could be there and Carol, my mother in law, who watched the kids for us and God. (Sounded like an academy award thing to say. But I really do thank the Lord !!)

Me, Matt, and Sara. We're a stunning crew at 6:45am, aren't we?

Sara having trouble getting her tag straight

Always the clown!

I finished!! Wish I could say that was a first place medal I was holding up. But it was a 2nd place medal. I kid. It was really a finishers medal. Which I'm proud of and will probably sleep with tonight. Sorry, Brian!

Our biggest fan enjoying him some yummy hot chocolate!
Yea! Way to go, girl! You're awesome!!!
Wow! I'm really impressed! Several years ago I had a goal of completing a half marathon, but I never got there. You may have just kick started the inspiration again...
Okay...last post I said I would run the half with ya after we were done with #3...but I want to make it clear that I said HALF. So you just go on with your bad self with the FULL. ;) You can do it! I'll come stand with Brian and cheer for ya on that one! ;) Hope you recover well, and you should be proud of yourself...mother or 4 and wife to a medical professional...I think you should be mighty proud you do all you do! Go AMY!
Way to go!! That amazes me!!! I could never do that.
You, Matt and Sara have SO inspired me that I think I'll start running out to the mailbox every day to get the mail!!! Truly, though, Brian is the one who inspired me - gettin' up that early to stand in the cold and wind to watch my bunch of superstars run for charity. It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta' do it! CONGRATULATIONS to all 3 of you. I'm a proud "Mamma".
Congratulations Amy, Sara & Matt! Great Job! I am with Aunt Holly...I might start out ruuning to the mailbox which is down the street...I will let you know how that goes...LOL!
That last picture has to be one of my favorites in a long time! It epitomizes the supportive race spouse who deep down, when only a camera is watching, really just wants to be back in bed and at a place where you don't have to stand in line 20 minutes to take a crap!
Thanks for being there, Brian!
You go, Girl!
Yea! Way to go! You reached that goal rather quickly if you ask me! I am so excited for you guys. congratulations!
you go girl! Congrats!
YAY! Wish I could have been there! LOVE YOU!
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