Today our sweet friends, the Pierce family, came from Corinth to participate in our annual Gingerbread House decorating day. We've done this for the past 3 or 4 years with the Pierces. When we lived across the street from them we normally did it at their house but this year they came here. Amy P. makes the BEST icing for putting a gingerbread house together. When it dries its like cement!! The girls decided since the boys were upstairs playing that we would assemble the houses. After lunch we all got together and decorated away!!! Amy made their house from scratch but I purchased ours. I'm not sure ours would have turned out so great had I baked it. I just love this tradition! We told the kids today that whether they liked it or not that we would be doing this until Adiah turns 18!! I don't care if they are married, in college, or whatever. Its happening!! So here are pictures of our day. Thank you, Pierce family, for driving our way. Next year we'll come to you!!

My girls assembling the house

Amy P. *wrestling* with hers

Decorating time!!

Cullen, Kenna, Amy, and Camden

The gingerbread gang...

Finished product! Adiah didn't really help but she sure loved eating the candy!!

A miracle!! They are ALL looking at the camera. Thank you, Jesus!!

I had to include this one because Amy and I got such a laugh out of this. This is on the Woods gingerbread house. It supposed to be a Christmas tree but it looks like a He/She green snowman. Look closely.

Had to get one of Adiah. Although she didn't really participate she was here. Posing for the camera.
Ah sweet gingerbread time! We had a night of chaos at our house, but I'm sure that we'll do it again next year! Your houses look great!
I can't believe you've already blogged this! Maybe I'll get some pics on my blog tomorrow. We had a great time - thanks for hosting the "extravaganza"!
How fun! Love the "snowman"! Too Funny :)
What a great tradition!
Your house is awesome. I need to post our pictures. I let Noah do one and Hollyn do one (you know, to avoid the fighting) times. And I need Amy's frosting recipe cuz the one that came in the box was like paste...not too great for gingerbread, at least. Our roof's kept coming off.
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