Ok peeps. This is serious. I really can't believe I'm about to post the pictures that I am but because I love you all and want to spread that love...I'll do it. So, I'm sure those of you who know me well (and by that I mean know me like up close and personal) know that I have had an issue with my face for a few years now. I've had some serious brown spots that have been becoming more and more obvious as time has gone on and on. Its been so bad that I would very rarely leave my house with out foundation on and even that wouldn't cover up the issue. I think what I have is called
Melasma. I probably shouldn't have been but I was very embarrassed by my issue. It completely covered my forehead and was pretty much all over my cheeks and nose and lip area. I have had 2 different people recommend the Obagi system to me. One was the girl doing my facial back in July and one was a dermatologist. Both of them said that I would be a good candidate for it. BUT...its not cheap. MUCH cheaper that laser surgery but still not super cheap. So I put it off. One day my sweet husband told me that I could try it. AWESOME!!! I went to an appt. with the facial lady and she told me all about it. It is an 18-24 week system. You use it twice a day. She said for the first 4-6 weeks my face would be really red especially around my mouth and nose and would probably be really flaky. Yum! And then afterwards my skin would get used to the treatment and stop doing that. But the brown spots would lighten and my skin would have a glow by the end of it. So I decide to wait until Aug 30, 2008 to do it because I was in a wedding on that day and thought the bride would not appreciate my skin falling off of my face while walking down the aisle!! Today has been 9 weeks since starting the program and I absolutely love what is happening to my face. I can't believe how well its working!! And I'm only half way through!!! So here are some before and midway pictures. Please note....I took off all of my make up for this photo shoot!! And my husband was like 2 inches away from my face with the camera and I felt a bit awkward. Didn't know if I should smile or give some sexy look. I'm thinking just smile. People....I truly believe in the Obagi system!!! Can't wait to see what 18 weeks will do for me.......Yeah!!!

Before... with flash on camera

Before...no flash on camera.

Midway...with flash

Midway...no flash
Looking good, girlfriend! But then you always look beautiful - even back in the days when I'd see you without your make up, on those morning walks taking the kids to school. (I still miss those, by the way.)
I can really tell a difference! You sure did hide it well though with the makeup cause I didn't ever notice anything before!
Wow, what a difference! Your skin is looking great! Thanks for being brave and sharing. I am going through some major skin issues as well. I am going to check into that treatment. My issues are acne related, though. The treatments I am on also make me red and scaley. I had a girl ask me if I had the chicken pox...that just makes you feel so good.
wow your skin looks great! You are so brave! I would have liked to see a sexy smile... :)
Wow, that's awesome!! Of course I had no idea, and you are absolutely beautiful, even in the before, no makeup shots. But that's so great that you get to do something like that. So happy for you!!!
Holy smokes! What's funny is that I see you almost everyday and I keep forgetting to ask if you were doing the treatments. I expected a Freddie Kruger-type look with all that talk of peeling and whatnot. But you haven't had any of that! And now, look how great your skin is (not that it wasn't great before...oh you know what I mean). Way to go!
I can totally relate to face issues. I'm so thankful something is working for you...although you really are so beautiful anyway.
Love you!
Good grief girl. That's great! I really never even noticed that you had skin issues before. It looks great though! Think they have something for cellulite?
Wow Amy! That is great. I have a friend here in Cali who developed a skin disorder on her face, so it is gradually bleaching out her skin. Her entire forehead, eyebrows and parts of her nose have no color whatsoever. It has been humbling for her, but she just looks like a fairer form of herself. : )
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