I wish I could fully describe what being at Korah meant to me. Its a community that literally was formed in the trash dump right outside of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I wasn't prepared really for all we would see but I'm so thankful they allowed us the opportunity to be with them. Being satisfied with all that they have is a lesson I need to learn. We all need to learn it. They craved physical touch. They were so happy that we were there to love on them, hold their hand, look into their eyes, and tell them that they were loved. There were moments when any one of us would have 5 kids hanging on our arms and legs. I remember at one point thinking to myself..."THIS is why I'm here". There are so many people who wonder if it really matters or if it really does any good to go on trips like this. And when I looked into those eyes of those precious people (young AND old) and realized how much they loved being talked to and valued and played with and cared for I found my answer. I attached a YouTube video down below. Its a short look into Korah. But the answer is also there...they ARE important. They are!

We were able to pick out 5 sheep and take back to Korah so the people could make up a stew and feed the kids. Meat is a real luxury for them and they normally only get it on special occasions (if even then). We happened to be there on a Saturday and they are not normally fed on Saturdays either. We were able to feed 250 people that day!

Trying to decide which ones to pick...hmmm...
Jason found one! Not gonna tell you what he did to it but it involved a knife. That's all I'm gonna say...

Sara and I were a little sad about it though...
They sheep had to ride IN the van with us back to Korah. That was a first for me!
The end product. Sheep stew with injera. I did not try this but a couple of our group members did.

My dad handing out plates of food.
What a blessing to see this...
Look at these two sweet precious girls!!
My dad with two sweeties!
Sara and her new friends!

Jason and his sweetie for the day....or one of many!!
Some of our group walking the streets of Korah...(Billy, Taylor, Chelsea, and David B)
Our group debriefing that night...
Some of the other things we got to do at Korah was do a VBS lesson with them, sing songs, listen to their songs, play soccer, face paint, etc. It did get crazy at times but I was so thankful that God had allowed me to be there at that exact time with those exact people. Next up...'the state run/not state run orphanage'....
Oh wow Amy! Thanks for sharing. I have a dear friend who was in Addis last summer on an adoption trip, but most of her photos were from Gimbe. I long for the day that I can experience something like your trip!
this was really interesting! thanks!
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