Very minimal talking but some email updates. They have made it to Rwanda. Place they are at now does not look to bad... feeling a little better but guarding her back pain. Lice may have made the trip from Ethiopia with a few - so praying for lack of spread to others. Mosquitos are thick in the new place so sleeping under nets at night now and praying their malaria prophylaxis ordered by Dr Moreland is in full swing! Reaching half way point of this trip, but nerves and feelings on edge for Amy and others full way... praying for renewal. Thanks for everyone's thoughtful support, and continue praying.
peace -
View from their lodge in Rwanda.

1 comment:
I hope Amy got to love on our sponsored child. BTW, Corey and Summer are missionaries from our church here in TN! Small world really.
Our sponsored child is Abeenezer. He is a beautiful child and writes in English very well.
I didn't realize Amy was going to Korah. I am just blown away! I hope to chat with her more about the trip. Maybe someday for me.
many prayers, Leslie
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