Tuesday, August 24, 2010

1st day of Mother's Day Out...aka School!!!

Well, sorry for the delay today. Apparently the power likes to go out at our property alot. Something about all the trees. So it finally came on at 4pm and I'm just now getting to this post. Did you want to know all of that? Good.

Ok, so Rhett and Adiah had a great first day of Mother's Day Out! Which means....so did mommy! Whoop!

Rhett is in a class with a teacher that I'm super excited about!! She was their cousin, Hannah's teacher last year and this year! Rhett and Hannah are in the same class! Which could be good or it could be not good...we'll have to see! Not sure if I mentioned that last year Adiah and Hannah were in the same class and then they got separated. Not going to go into the reasons here but lets just say it had more to do with others and not so much with them. I'm not sure they were even in the right class to start with. 'Nuff said! My sister blogged about it a little here.

And Adiah is in the class she was in this summer so she was comfortable with her teacher who is also amazing!! I heard when I picked them up that the only time Rhett cried today was when he saw Adiah in the gym. These two can fight like nobody's business but also love with as much passion!! I'm thankful for this first day! I had some good quiet time today! A very much needed day!!

So I couldn't decide which one of the "together" pictures I wanted to post. They were incredibly sweet to each other this morning! Adiah was really loving on her brother!

To my friend Kim...show AW the shirt on Rhett!!

Look at that look of love on her face....

Oh. My. Word.

My big 4 year old ready for school!!

And my big 3 year old who thought he was ready and then promptly changed his mind once we got there. His mind changed back to happy once he started playing!

She was like..."Mom. Enough ALREADY!!"

All Rhett wanted to do was nap. Its what he does. Didn't even want to wait for naptime OR for his nap matt to be rolled out.


Tonya said...

Those two are adorable!!! Love the pictures!

amorisa said...

These are some of the cutest pictures ever!