Today is my sweet boy's 8th birthday!! I can NOT believe he is getting so big and how fast time is flying by. He is such a fun kid and just all together sweet. He is a wonderful big brother and adores his little sister. And even though he wouldn't admit it all the time...he adores his big sisters too! He is one of those kids who has a heart as big as the mountains. I think I said this last year but he is a TRUE believer! Anything that kid puts his mind to, he somehow gets it to happen or truly believes it WILL happen. Like one day a few years ago we were walking to school to pick up his sisters and he said "Mom, when am I going to get my super powers?". I said "What do you mean?" He says "When am I going to be able to fly?" I said "Ummm, Ridge, you know that the stuff you see on Star Wars or on cartoons isn't real, right? You aren't going to get super powers like that." He gets quiet for a while and then says "Oh yes I am." That's Ridge even now. You can probably understand why I feel nervous that he wants the
Easy Button for Christmas!! I just love this boy and wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday!! WE LOVE YOU RIDGE!!!

When Ridge was a baby he did this cheesy smile thing every time the camera came out!

Still doing it today!

Ridge loves to play Star Wars! Here he recruited his dad and baby sister to play with him.

Sweet 8 year old!!!
Happy Birthday, Ridge! It's hard to believe that you are already 8 years old. Seems just like yesterday that I was flying low from Louisiana to Abilene for your birth. Have a great time tonight celebrating with your Mom, Dad and sisters. And if you get that Easy Button, let me know. There's some things I need to make easier!
His 8 year old smile is precious! I hope he gets his super powers!
Ridge, I hope you have a totally awesome spectacular birthday! Watching you grow into such a fine young man is a delight for everyone of us who love you. I am looking forward to seeing you soon. I love you.
Happy Birthday Ridge! He is growing up! The Easy Button...LOL! I think I might add that one to my list!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Birthday to your sweet baby boy. They really do grow up, huh? Shoot! ;)
Anyhow, hope yall are well. Sure do wish we lived closer...
Have a great Thanksgiving week with your family.
We love yall.
Awe, happy birthday to Ridge! What a handsome young man!
Well, I'm late....real late.
Happy Birthday Ridge! Love the pictures.
Aunt Dianne
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