Isn't she a doll? I've been wanting to post our timeline for the adoption for quite sometime. Now that all the kids are in bed, the husband is asleep, laundry is washing, lunches for tomorrow are made, the house is quiet...for awhile, I thought now would be a good time. Just for those who wonder and for me later down the line. Brian was in a near fatal car accident in June 2004. He stayed home for about 1 year recovering. During that time we really had the opportunity to sit and be still. The Lord planted the seed of adoption during that time.
November 2005- begin praying about and researching adoption
Early January 2006- announced to families that we are adopting from China; discovered Sara and Matt are going to adopt from there too! Already know what we will name her- Adiah Hope!
January 25, 2006- mailed application to America World Adoption Association(AWAA)
February 2, 2006-AWAA called- we're accepted!
February 8, 2006- Texas Chosen Heritage(home study agency) contracts arrived
February 11, 2006- cried ALL day! Very emotional thinking about the road ahead of a good way!
February 20, 2006- fire inspection done for home study
March 3, 2006- attend AWAA seminar in Grapevine, TX
March 13, 2006- Brian and Amy get physicals for home study
March 22, 2006- kids get physicals for home study
April 2006-continue gathering documents for dossier(paperwork sending to China)
May 25, 2006- 1st visit with social worker for home study
May 26, 2006- 2nd visit with social worker for home study
May 28, 2006- 3rd visit with social worker for home study
June 20, 2006- final draft of home study arrives
June 23, 2006- Mailed I-600A form
July and August 2006- check the mailbox everyday for the long awaited I171-H form(the mail man thinks I have a thing for him!); supposed to take around 60-90 days from day they receive the I- 600A form to receive this.
July 19, 2006- fingerprints done
August 29, 2006- apply for the Special Needs program; trying for either healthy baby or special needs baby
August 31, 2006- send documents to Louisiana to be certified
September 6, 2006- send documents to California and Texas to be certified
September 20,2006- THE GOLDEN TICKET ARRIVES!!! I171-H arrives in the mail!! Mail it to Austin for certification right away!!; mail other documents to California for authentication
September 25, 2006- I171-H back!; mail it to Houston for authentication
September 29, 2006- California docs back!
October 6, 2006- mail all documents to AWAA!!!
October 9, 2006- Allison Kraftson called- everything looks great!
October 13, 2006- DTC!!(documents to China)
November 11, 2006- Dream #1 about adoption ( A girl named Tabitha called and said we would be hearing about our baby soon. I ask her if we need to be doing anything to prepare. She says "3". That's it.)
November 12, 2006-Dream #2( I tell a girl that we are adopting from China. She says she heard that. See a sign on the wall that says "Standing Angel")
November 13, 2006- Log In Date(LID)
November 14, 2006- Dream #3(I see her face in this dream! An asian woman hands her to me and says "Here. She is yours.")
November 16, 2006- I actually hear about our LID through email on this day. Guess what the woman's name is that emailed us about our LID???? TABITHA!! (*see dream #1) I freaked out!! Just a fabulous God thing!
December 2006-October 2007- Pray that we would know or have Adiah by December, 2007
October 1, 2007- get email that AWAA just received another "group" of special needs referrals- 33 to be exact!
October 5, 2007-pray that morning that when we get the call that we could all be together; Kids get out of school at 1:00; 1:15-REFERRAL CALL!!! Yes, we got the call!!! Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow! Xi Meng Liang, we are coming for you!
October 9, 2007- updated fire inspection for home study update
October 15, 2007- mail acceptance letter to AWAA for Xi Meng Liang
October 17, 2007- updated physicals done for home study update
October 18, 2007- Letter of Intent(LOI) sent electronically by AWAA
November 7, 2007- paint nursery with friend, Lorisa Littlejohn(pictures below)
November 11, 2007- Home study update 2-3:30pm
Now we wait for RA(referral acceptance) which is when we know that the Chinese government has officially matched us with Adiah. After that its the TA(travel approval) and then we go!! Lets pray for a quick turnaround!! In case you are wondering, Adiah means "adorned by God". Her official full name will become Adiah Hope LoLiang Woods!

My friend, Lorisa, helping me paint the nursery. She had to go to work afterwards so she wore a shower cap as to not get paint in her hair. Lovely!! Its her best look! I'm sure she would appreciate me showing you what she really looks like so...

Okay, maybe it's the pregnancy hormones, but I cried when I read about the girl named Tabitha calling you!
I always say that my grandmother named my little girl Katie. Maw Maw (my grandmother) passed away in November 2003 and Katie was born in March 2004. We didn't officially find out that we were having a girl, but at some point near her birth I had a dream that we had a little girl and named her "Katie." I told Chris and he liked it. I wasn't sure b/c it seemed very common to me. He really liked it.
I had liked the name Brooklyn at the beginning of the pregnancy but no one else seemed to like it. Near the end of the pregnancy-after the dream-one of my friends suggested Brooklyn as a middle name with a first name we were considering. I asked her if she knew that I'd liked that name and she hadn't. I suggested the full name to Chris and he said, "No, but what about Katie Brooklyn?" I liked it and that's what we ended up naming her.
After she was born, my dad told my aunt (his sister) her name. She said, "Oh, 'A Tree Grows in Brooklyn' was one of Maw Maw's favorite books." I thought that was weird. After awhile, I got the book to read. Guess what one of the main character's names was? KATIE! I about died!
So, to me I see that whole experience as God revealing to me what her name should be. I like to think of Maw Maw up in Heaven whispering in his ear to pass along the message.
I love stories like your Tabitha one!
Sorry to write so much!
Love the pink room...did you see ours? I think that you will go sooner that we do because of your 2006 LID. Who knows though...only God!
I love seeing that picture of Tracy! She is one of my longtime friends since 8th grade!
Jacinda, that is awesome! I didn't know that you were longtime friends with Brit and Tracy! I totally love that family!!
Thanks for sharing, Amy. Can't wait to see that cute nursery- how fun!
How come I didn't know about all those dreams? So, what does the rest of the nursery look like?
What an amazing journey; and it is only the beginning! Thanks for keeping us in the loop, we are very anxious for you.
Sara M., what??? I told you about those dreams! Its just been like a year! The rest of the nursery looks like...well, nothing! We just painted to walls so far. I'll take pictures when we set up the crib and stuff!
Yes, Tracy & I "grew up" together and spent many an hour on I-20 together driving back & forth between Atlanta & Abilene. Britney was the "little sister" but honestly, she wasn't one of the annoying ones-she was always great! "Mr. Pete" & "Miss Kathy" were always great "2nd parents" too!
So fun! I love you dear friend and am praying for Adiah! LOVE YOU!
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